Azienda specializzata nella realizzazione di strutture in acciaio per l'industria / TempiGroup

Tempi Group

We are born as a company in the sector of steel structures for industrial machines able to design and manufacture automatic machines mainly for the processing of iron from reinforced concrete and EPS blocks shaping machine.


Production began in 1987. Our thirty-year experience allows us to create customized solutions for each customer who requests it.

We also patent several products of our production. To respond to European safety standards for the protection of machinery, we have designed and built an innovative line of patented and certified safety fences.

Working with large companies located all over the world, today we have an international production basin in
the automotive sector.
Our target is to make processed products more and more industrialized, so as to constantly improve both the quality of the product and the optimization of the work cycle over time.

Our production process takes place entirely within our factories, that’s why we can provide a complete service to our clients.

We care very much to create a peaceful and collaborative atmosphere with our employees so as to form a solid and united team.
We believe in young people and generational change and after introducing them into our team, we develop their skills allowing them to achieve important roles. Young minds and people with experience put together form a perfect combination to create innovative products respecting the quality brought by the tradition.

Furthermore, we respect values such as trusting our suppliers and honesty towards all the people we relate
Contacting our company means relying on a reliable and qualified collaboration